Oil Paintings and Drawings

All sizes are in centimetres and are of the image size.  Prices are for the framed picture.

Scroll down the page to view the full selection.

For further information or to place an order please contact me: Tel: 07816 434949 E-mail: roger@rogerallen.co.uk

Oil Paintings

Fair Brook and Kinder Scout
16 x 22.5

40 x 30

The top meadow
46 x 34

67 x 42

Hear my train a comin' (pt 1)
60 x 40

Diptych £3,000

Hear my train a comin' (pt 2)
60 x 40


Barn study 1 (pen and ink)
37.5 x 28.5

9F at Loughborough
35.5 x 25.5

Oak and fallen ash
35.5 x 26

37 x 26

Moorland farm
Pen and Ink
36 x 26

Barn by a wood
36.5 x 26.5

Love and hate
22.5 x 33

Once we were great
54.5 x 34.5

Aberdeen Angus
35 x 25.5

Tunstead Lime Works
54 x 35

Longcliffe Calcium Carbonates
33.5 x 25

The yard tractor
36 x 26